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Aged Kimchi with Plum (3 months)

This Product is sold out. Only a few jars are available at the shop.


Released date: 10th June 2024 - > Sold out 10th July 2024


This is a variation of Kimchi that includes this year's Plums (8 : 2 Apples). Plums are a great source of nutrition for microorganisms as well as for humans. Fermenting this Kimchi for 3 months in the Traditional pot, the beautiful aroma of the plums will be well integrated with 22 other ingredients, becoming a whole new level of Kimchi for you to enjoy.


23 Ingredient List


Body: Nappa cabbages - Netherlands & Germany


  • Codium - Baltic sea pr Portugese Pacific

  • Kelp - South Korea

  • Seaweed - South Korea

  • Plum

  • Sun-dried red pepper powder - South Korea (Soon to be house-made)

  • Naturally Fermented Soy Sauce (Joseon Ganjang) - South Korea (Soon to be house-made)

  • 7 mixed grain rice porridge

  • Apples - Netherlands

  • Onions - Netherlands

  • Garlic - Netherlands

  • Ginger - Netherlands

  • Leeks - Netherlands

  • Scallions - Netherlands

  • Carrots - Netherlands

  • Fresh chili peppers - Netherlands


  • Natural Sea Salt - France 'Only used during the dehydration stage then washed off after. 

Aged Kimchi with Plum (3 months)

€ 30,00Prijs

    Opening Hours

    Tuesday: 10 AM - 18:00 PM

    Wednesday: 10 AM - 18:00 PM

    Thursday: 10 AM - 18:00 PM

    Friday: 10AM - 18:00 PM

    Saturday: 10 AM - 18:00 PM

    Some Workshops are scheduled in the evening. The timeslot above is for the shop front and the kitchen.

    Korean food company that focuses on:

    • The Table for Kimchi - the best & authentic kimchi and Korean fermentation food in the Netherlands with a zero-waste sales cycle since 2018

    • The Table for Experiences - kimchi fermentation workshops sharing the step-by-step guide, history, and reasons behind unique Korean fermentation that lasts forever.

      © 2017 House of Fermentation B.V.

      Witte De Withstraat 148H, 1057ZJ, Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands

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